The following photos are of the trunk that was on my 1932 Special Deluxe Sedan when I bought it 7 years ago. I realize that it is not a 1932 accessory [and fortunately have just found a proper 1932 Potter trunk to replace it]. I am curious to know what year or years it would have been offered as an accessory. I rather like the bow tie emblem on the front panel. These shots show the exterior, latches, and the interior of the trunk when extended, including the bolts mounting it to the trunk rack [which is right for a 1932 by the way]. Photos also show the two nice little side lights that are attached to the rack. Again they are not original to 1932 apparently. Anybody know if they were even a Chevy accessory at any time? They were not wired to the lighting system so were apparently just added as decoration by a former owner.

Attached Images
trunk 1.jpg Trunk 2.jpg Trunk 3.jpg Trunk 4.jpg Trunk 5.jpg Trunk 6.jpg Trunk 7.jpg Trunk 8.jpg Trunk 9.jpg Trunk 10.jpg