Hi Folks,

If you know anyone who would be willing to rent a ride in their Impala in Southern NH or MA boarder please have them contact me.

On Memorial weekend I found out my father in law has terminal cancer with only 3 months of life left. He loves these cars. He had one as a twenty year old. I would love to surprise him with a joy ride. It doesn't have to be a long ride. Even one around the block would be great!

Thank you.
I sent you a private message
John Mahoney
AIDEN 716, I wish you the BEST in finding a ride for your father in law.
Hi John 348/340HP. If you sent me a reply I am not able to see it.
Thank you PK.
Hi Aiden716,

Do you have a light flashing by your "My Stuff" above? If so, click on "My Stuff" and then messages.
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