Posted By: johns50 firewall insulation pad - 10/14/18 03:20 PM
Am going to replace the firewall insulation pad on my 50 and was trying to get the closest one to OEM I can. Anyone used the one Ecklers is selling #80-254122-1 on their website? It looks pretty close. I am aware of the ABS ones for sale by Steele, Filling Station, and others and was wondering how close they are. I checked out one from Real Steel but looks like it no longer available. Any thoughts?
Posted By: canadiantim Re: firewall insulation pad - 10/14/18 03:49 PM
I believe these guys supply many of the ones available out there: Look for "firewall pads". They do have an explanation page about materials and finish compared to original.

My 38 is a pressed cardboard material with a slight texture. I have a couple of them so thinking about maybe refreshing one of them since the new ones appear to be ABS and look almost too modern but we'll see. For the price I'd prefer something more original but it may match your year very well. The insulation on the backside gets pretty gross so I'll at least replace that.
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