In trying to help out all of you mechanics with two left thumbs, it occurred to me that some of you might benefit from another tip --- this one will help you surf the Chatter Discussion Board with fewer clicks.... and that's always a good thing!

When you are ready to click on a link while you're on a page that you might want to return to -- such as the MOST ACTIVE listing, or the SHOW ALL CATEGORIES, instead of using your left mouse button, click on the link using your RIGHT button. Then select "Open Link In New Window".

This will open the new page in a second browser window. When you're done reading the new thread, close it and go back to the first browswer window. This way you can use the first window as a homebase for your travels.

Did that make sense?

Sometimes I get 4 or 5 windows opened on Chatter. That way I don't have to double or triple click my way back to the Homepage all of the time. Try it, and see if you don't agree.

Bill Barker
Previous VCCA CHAT Administrator
(VCCA Member: 9802)