Announcing a new Forum!! This one is strictly dedicated to Chevrolet technical talk. Moderated by the Antique Mechanic, it is going to consolidate the previous "School is in session" threads.

NOTE: This forum will be managed a little differently from other forums. No off-topic discussions will be allowed. Even the slightest. It is intended that by keeping these threads crisp, and strictly on the subject matter, it will be useful as a technical reference later on. Any posting which doesn't add value directly to the discussion, will be deleted by the Moderator without any advance notice. Normally it is recommended that off-topic discussions be LOCKED... but in this case the individual postings will be deleted instead. Hopefully you'll find it easier and faster to find solid technical information this way.

In the meantime, get your lunches ready, because school is now in-session again!!

Bill Barker
Previous VCCA CHAT Administrator
(VCCA Member: 9802)